Тогда Вы зашли по адресу! Компания Кинодоктор уже не первый год специализируется на предоставлении в аренду гримерных и костюмерных комплексов, гримвагенов и шикарусов, актерских комплексов и передвижных генераторов.
Российские и зарубежные звезды мировой величины, а также обычные актеры и артисты давно сделали выбор в пользу компании Кинодоктор. И это не пустые слова. Мы с душой и сердцем разрабатывали каждый наш гримваген на всех этапах – от бизнес-проекта до реализации. Мы сделали такой продукт, который не имеет аналогов в мире. Гримваген от компании Киндоктор – это пятизвездочный комфорт, блестящий сервис и положительные эмоции.
Успейте заказать свой гримваген прямо сейчас! Наши цены Вас приятно удивят!
The company "Kinodoctor" outside the core business areas related to the provision of comprehensive services for the movie production and the Event-industry, is actively developing advertising outdoor & indoor area, offering customers and advertising agencies new opportunities for interaction with the target audience of buyers.
The concept of «indoor-advertising" is widely used in Russia and some European countries as a generic term to describe a segment of the advertising market indoors. Indoor-advertising areas often represented by audio, visual, audiovisual, as well as static images of different formats.
Under the «outdoor-advertising" is commonly understood as outdoor advertising, which is available on special temporary or fixed structures, located in the countryside, as well as on the exterior surfaces of buildings, street furniture elements, above roads, or directly on the roads themselves. A variety of outdoor-advertising is transit advertising (or advertising on vehicles) and self-propelled advertising placed on the sides of cars and commercial vehicles.
Interest to this format is shown also by the international communication agencies. So together with the VIZEUM agency entering into communication group Dentsu Aegis Network and POSTERSCOPE RUSSIA agency the projects for the Korean tire concern NEXEN TIRE and sports brand REEBOK were realized.
For a limited club advertisers, "Kinodoctor" ready to propose the deployment of video content and advertising products, including sampling, in trailers. Get detailed information in this area and make a presentation visit the manager of the company "Kinodoctor".