Event industry

Requirements rider of the presence on the concert platform autocomplex «Kinodoctor» - now more are not uncommon, and the entrenched pattern among the Russian show business and musicians of the world value. Mobile grimvagens "Kinodoctor" loved not only the participants of the market of filmmaking, but also numerous groups of performers, hundreds of singers and dozens of folk artists and distinguished figures of Russian culture, producers, directors and organizers of the concert events. Today it is difficult to present a large bright and beautiful concert event without trailers "Kinodoctor" in the salons where a sultry July day, or a cold December evening in the comfort of getting ready to go on stage favorite singer or actor.

EVENT by «Kinodoctor»

Due to its functionality, a separate entrance and interior walls, a large number of professional make-up seats, sanitary compartments and shower, spacious interiors, as well as a comfortable place to stay - trailers "Kinodoctor" has traditionally been years in a row create a comfortable environment for the artists and musicians at international festivals and concerts:

  • «Picnic Posters»,
  • «Spasskaya Tower»,
  • «Faces & Lace»,
  • «Day of the City of Moscow»,
  • «Manor Jazz»,
  • «Park live»

and many others. In 2011, makeup and wardrobe combo trailers took part in the concerts of the International Art Festival "Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk", which takes place in the Republic of Belarus.

Services of "Kinodoktor" are also the organizers of private concert events, weddings and corporate events especially the New Year. Trailers "Kinodoktor" can often be found parked at restaurants or entertainment, worthy of serving as a full-fledged make-up room VIP room for an artist or even a few teams. From spring to late autumn dozens of organizers of weddings instead of renting tents uncomfortable preference to mobile autocomplexes "Kinodoctor."