Тогда Вы зашли по адресу! Компания Кинодоктор уже не первый год специализируется на предоставлении в аренду гримерных и костюмерных комплексов, гримвагенов и шикарусов, актерских комплексов и передвижных генераторов.
Российские и зарубежные звезды мировой величины, а также обычные актеры и артисты давно сделали выбор в пользу компании Кинодоктор. И это не пустые слова. Мы с душой и сердцем разрабатывали каждый наш гримваген на всех этапах – от бизнес-проекта до реализации. Мы сделали такой продукт, который не имеет аналогов в мире. Гримваген от компании Киндоктор – это пятизвездочный комфорт, блестящий сервис и положительные эмоции.
Успейте заказать свой гримваген прямо сейчас! Наши цены Вас приятно удивят!
BTL acronym comes from the English phrase «below the line». BTL - a set of marketing activities other than direct advertising to the consumer's level of exposure and the choice of the impact on the target audience. In simple terms, can be understood by BTL activities with special incentives - promotions, exhibitions and fairs, trade conferences, special corporate and intra-event sponsorship and loyalty programs.
BTL term originated in the mid XX century and owes its appearance of a manager of an American firm, which, at estimated cost of an advertising campaign, I forgot to write it costs associated with the free distribution of product samples, coupons, competitions and giving gifts. After detecting errors in the financial statements, the head of the project, it was decided to draw a line under the final budget, and an additional budget fit under the dash. Hence the name - «below the line»
The concept ROAD SHOW - «road show" or also known as "promotional tour" - is a type of BTL-actions is a form of promotion of products and services, organized in the form of traveling exhibitions. Branded Trailers, many kilowatts of sound, dozens of kilograms of souvenirs and the opportunity to test the goods, without departing from the advertising epicenter.
With the power "Kinodoctor" arsenal of effective marketing tools of the customer (client) updated with a new solution - the use of a special incentive arrangements autocomplexes "Kinodoctor." A wide range of cars, professional team and experience of implementation, including btl projects allow us to solve problems of any complexity. The exterior of the trailer can be adapted to the Corporate Identity of any company or promotion.This is achieved by an external branding Vinyl 3M Controltac all surfaces as the trailer and towing vehicle. The interior of the trailer can be further converted into a desired functional task. The same can be branded and internal surfaces of the trailer interior trailer. The advantage of using a btl-actively autocomplexes "Kinodoctor" will confirm the absence of territorial restrictions, which allow an effective advertising campaign in any city of Russia or the CIS. And the size, appearance and visibility branded not leave without surprise even the most experienced audience.
In the asset (in the bank, in the list) sold btl-projects "Kinodoctor" - a promotional campaign cosmetics company AVON, which was held in Moscow in 2011. Ambitious in its scope became the 2012 national book tour cosmetics company Mary Kay - «Beauty Way!", Organized by the agency R & I Group. In geography promotional tour of 11 cities of Russia, from St. Petersburg to Krasnoyarsk, including cities such as Samara, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar and more than 45 000 kms . In 2013, for companies Ebay has been implemented promotional tour in Russia, in which avtokomplkesy have been used as a mobile boutique. Promotional tour was timed to enter the Russian market is the Russian version of the auction site Ebay. Mobile boutiques, shops on wheels, covered more than 4300 km, visiting Samara, Kazan, Rostov-on-Don and Krasnodar.